Master modern investigative principles and practices using the field-based approach strongly grounded in current research with Hess/Hess Orthmann/Cho/Molan’s CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 12E. This best-selling book introduces established tools, practices and policies while detailing the latest innovations in investigative technology and science today. The authors clearly demonstrate techniques and practical applications using a captivating, reader-friendly presentation. The latest discussions introduce advancements in DNA evidence, incident review and solvability factors, terrorism and homeland security, electronic data searches, new case law, forensics and physical evidence, use of body cameras, and ethics as well as increasing standards of proof for stop versus search and arrest versus conviction. Updated learning features and cutting-edge content supported with the latest visual tools help you further refine your investigative techniques and skills.
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School Prescribed e-texts
Criminal Investigation 012 Edition
Product details
- Publisher : Cengage Learning; 012 edition (January 25, 2022)
- Publication date : January 25, 2022
- Language : English
- File size : 78832 KB
- Original eBook/Pdf